Knicks’ Lawsuit Against Raptors: A Legal Battle Unfolds Over Stolen NBA Secrets

The New York Knicks

The New York Knicks are making headlines, but not for their performance on the basketball court. Instead, they are in the spotlight for launching a lawsuit against one of their former employees, Ikechukwu Azotam, alleging that he stole confidential information from the team and shared it with his new employer, the Toronto Raptors. This legal battle has taken a complex turn, involving multiple parties and raising questions about data security and ethics in the world of professional sports.

The lawsuit, filed in the US District Court, has sent shockwaves through the basketball community. It not only implicates Ikechukwu Azotam but also the Raptors organization, their parent company Maple Leaf Sports, Raptors head coach Darko Rajakovic, and player development coach Noah Lewis. The Knicks’ claim is clear: Azotam, who previously served as their video coordinator, unlawfully transferred proprietary files to his personal Gmail account, which included sensitive data such as play frequency reports, a 2022-23 prep book, video scouting data, and other confidential materials.

Azotam’s Role in the Alleged Theft

Azotam’s actions have raised significant concerns within the Knicks organization. The information he transferred was sent to his personal Gmail account and was subsequently shared with the Toronto Raptors once he joined their ranks. The Knicks have not taken this matter lightly, and their response has been swift. An MSG Sports spokesperson issued a statement, highlighting the clear violation of employment agreements, criminal laws, and civil laws. The Knicks argue that they had no option but to pursue legal action given the severity of the situation.

The Knicks’ Attempt to Resolve the Issue

Before resorting to legal measures, the Knicks reached out to both the Raptors and the NBA to inform them of the situation. However, no action was taken during this initial period. It was only after waiting for a response and seeing none forthcoming that the Knicks decided to take legal action. This decision underscores the seriousness of the Knicks’ allegations and their determination to protect their proprietary information.

Raptors’ Involvement in the Alleged Theft

The lawsuit alleges that members of the Raptors organization, including Darko Rajakovic, were complicit in Azotam’s actions. They are accused of using Azotam’s prior position with the Knicks to extract insider information that would facilitate the restructuring of the Raptors’ coaching and staff.

This becomes even more significant when considering recent changes in the Raptors’ coaching staff. Toronto parted ways with Nick Nurse earlier in the offseason and hired Darko Rajakovic as their new head coach for the 2023 season. The timing of Azotam’s alleged transfer of information aligns with these changes, adding another layer of suspicion to the case.

Details of Azotam’s Transition to the Raptors

According to reports, Azotam informed the Knicks of an offer from the Raptors on July 25. Although Azotam’s contract with the Knicks officially ended on August 14, the Raptors have not yet made an official announcement regarding his hiring. It’s worth noting that Toronto is known for its discretion when it comes to public announcements about employee hirings and firings.

The Extent of the Alleged Theft

The Knicks have provided detailed information about the extent of Azotam’s alleged theft. They claim that Azotam had access to the Knicks’ Synergy Sports account, which he used to create and transfer over 3,000 files, including a staggering 3,358 video files. These files were accessed over 2,000 times by members of the Toronto Raptors organization, according to statements made in the lawsuit.

Basketball field

Involvement of Noah Lewis

The lawsuit also names Noah Lewis, an assistant video coordinator and player development coach with the Raptors. It alleges his involvement in receiving files from Azotam. According to the Knicks’ suit, Lewis, along with Rajakovic, received five separate zip files from Azotam on August 5, approximately a week before Azotam’s departure from his former organization.

Serious Allegations Against the Raptors

The lawsuit includes strong language, accusing Rajakovic and other Raptors defendants of recruiting Azotam to “serve as a mole” within the Knicks organization. Their alleged purpose was to convey information that would assist the Raptors defendants in managing their team more effectively. This raises profound questions about ethics and fair play in professional sports, as well as data security measures in place within organizations.

Responses from MLSE and the Raptors

In response to the lawsuit, Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment (MLSE) and the Toronto Raptors expressed their intent to conduct an internal investigation. They have denied their involvement in the theft of proprietary information and have released a statement indicating that they will fully cooperate throughout the investigation. MLSE and the Raptors have also stated that they will reserve further comment until the matter has been resolved to the satisfaction of both parties.

Implications for the 2023/24 NBA Season

The NBA recently released the official schedule for the 2023/24 regular season. Interestingly, the New York Knicks are scheduled to play back-to-back games against the Toronto Raptors. These games are separated by 10 days, with the first game taking place on December 2 and the second leg of the back-to-back meetings occurring at MSG on December 10.

Table: Key Players Involved in the Lawsuit

Ikechukwu Azotam Former Knicks employee accused of theft and sharing of confidential information.
Toronto RaptorsNBA team implicated in receiving stolen information and alleged involvement in the theft.
Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment (MLSE) Parent company of the Toronto Raptors.
Darko RajakovicHead coach of the Toronto Raptors, alleged to have benefited from the stolen information.
Noah LewisAssistant video coordinator and player development coach with the Toronto Raptors, implicated in receiving files from Azotam.
New York Knicks NBA team filing the lawsuit against Azotam and the Raptors.


The lawsuit filed by the New York Knicks against Ikechukwu Azotam and the Toronto Raptors has cast a shadow over the upcoming NBA season. It raises critical questions about data security, ethics in professional sports, and the responsibilities of organizations to protect their proprietary information. As this legal battle unfolds, it will undoubtedly have far-reaching implications for the parties involved and may set precedents for future cases involving data theft in the world of sports.

Andrew Mitchell - basketball expert
reviewed by: Andrew Mitchell (Basketball Expert)

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