NBA’s Fresh Rulebook: New Measures to Keep Stars On-Court and Fans Happy


Hey, NBA fans! So, if you’ve been irked about buying a ticket to a game only to find out that the star player you came to see is chilling in street clothes, this one’s for you. The NBA Board of Governors is putting its foot down on the practice of teams benching their top talent. Thanks to ESPN’s Adrian Wojnarowski, we’ve got all the deets you need to know about the new rule changes that are going to shake up the 2023-24 season.

Who’s a “Star” Anyway?

First off, let’s define what the NBA means by “star.” They’re talking about anyone who’s been on an All-Star or All-NBA team within the last three years. Yup, you heard that right. And this impacts at least 15 teams that have more than one star according to this definition.

The Main Changes

  • No Double-Star Rest: The big headline is that teams can’t rest two star players in the same game anymore. They’ll have to get creative and alternate resting their star players if they want to keep them fresh.
  • All Stars on Deck for National TV and Tourneys: Also, star players must be active for nationally televised games and any of the NBA’s new in-season tournaments. So, no ducking out of the spotlight there.
  • Home and Away Fairness: You can’t just bench your stars during tedious road trips and play them exclusively at home games. There needs to be a balance in how many games a star sits out at home versus on the road.
  • No Sneaky Shutdowns: If a team tries to sneakily sit a player out for an extended period, especially near the season’s end (maybe for some tactical tanking?), the NBA could launch an investigation.
  • Show Face, Even If Resting: The rule that was already in place since 2017 that healthy resting players must attend games and be visible to fans is still holding strong.
James Harden

The Penalties

If you’re wondering about the repercussions, hold onto your hats. Teams will face steep fines, and they only get worse with each violation. Check this out:

Violation NumberFine Amount
Third$1.25 million
Beyond Third$1M+ over last

What Does This Mean for Teams like the Sixers?

Now, let’s talk impact. For teams like the Sixers, who have multiple stars, this is big. Let’s say Joel Embiid and James Harden are both on the roster. Well, one can’t rest without the other playing, unless there’s a genuine injury.

Load Management Tactics

Teams now need to think harder about how they manage their star players’ schedules. No more forfeiting games by sitting everyone out; they’ll need to be a lot more strategic.

The Real Root Issue

But let’s get to the core of the issue. The need for rest wouldn’t be so high if the NBA season wasn’t so jam-packed. But reducing the number of games would cost the league money, and clearly, they aren’t up for that. Instead, the NBA is opting for stricter rules.

Possible Loopholes

However, where there are rules, there are loopholes. Teams might just start reporting minor injuries as a reason for resting their stars. But even here, the NBA has the right to investigate under certain conditions, like missing a nationally televised game or conflicting statements about a player’s status.


In a nutshell, the NBA is taking action to keep its stars on the court and keep fans satisfied. It’s a win-win, but with some big challenges for team managers. One thing’s for sure, though: the 2023-24 season is shaping up to be one of the most interesting ones yet.

So, there you have it, the NBA’s new rules on player rest in a nutshell. Feel free to share your thoughts below. Are you excited, worried, indifferent? Sound off!

Andrew Mitchell - basketball expert
reviewed by: Andrew Mitchell (Basketball Expert)

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