Defensive Duos Lock in Millions, Doug Wilson Takes Advisor Role with Penguins, and College Hockey Heads Outdoors

Long-term contracts are getting sealed for NHL’s young defensemen Jake Sanderson and Rasmus Dahlin. Meanwhile, Doug Wilson steps into an advisory role at Pittsburgh, and a grassroots outdoor college game aims to make hockey history. Let’s dissect all the action.

Hey hockey fam, what an electrifying week it’s been in the NHL and beyond! Grab a snack and settle in, we’ve got a smorgasbord of updates to talk about.

Sanderson and Dahlin: Future Franchise Faces?

Firstly, Ottawa and Buffalo are going all-in with their young defensive stars. Jake Sanderson’s bagged an eight-year contract from the Senators, worth $8.05 million a year. Man, that’s like hitting the jackpot on Wheel of Fortune but for a darn good reason. The guy is a future cornerstone of the franchise, no doubt about it.

Over in Buffalo, things are getting spicy too. According to the ‘After the Whistle’ podcast, the Sabres are primed to lock in Rasmus Dahlin with an eight-year contract valued at $10.5 million per year. If you’ve been following Dahlin’s trajectory, you’ll know this isn’t just a whim. He’s been lighting it up and showing some serious promise.

Cale Makar: Setting the Earnings Bar

By the way, just as a little side note Cale Makar of the Avalanche? Yeah, that guy is earning $9 million per year for the next four years. That’s going to be the number to beat for any future defensemen contract talks.

Doug Wilson: A New Penguin

Switching gears to front office moves. Doug Wilson, a household name for San Jose Sharks fans, is coming to Pittsburgh. He’s been named as a senior advisor for hockey ops, which means the guy’s going to have a say in some pretty big decisions. This is a big win for the Penguins, especially considering their top talents are on the clock, age-wise.

The Dynamic Duo of Dubas and Wilson

With Kyle Dubas holding both the GM and President of Hockey Ops roles for the Penguins, adding Doug Wilson as an advisor is a power move. Dubas can now pick Wilson’s brain, which comes with years of experience and wisdom. This combo could be like the Gretzky and Messier of hockey management. Seriously, I can’t wait to see how this dynamic unfolds.

College Hockey’s Outdoor Adventure

And now, for something completely different! If you think the NHL is the be-all, end-all of hockey excitement, then you haven’t been paying attention to the college scene. Appalachian State and Kutztown University are setting up an outdoor game this December. While we all get hyped about the NHL’s Heritage Classic, don’t overlook this little gem. It’s not just a game; it’s a statement for the sport at the grassroots level. And who knows? Maybe we’ll be watching some of these college kids in the NHL in a few years.

Alright, peeps, that wraps up this week’s hockey extravaganza. The action on and off the ice just keeps heating up, and I’m here for it all. Catch you on the next roundup!

Benjamin Lawson - Ice hockey
reviewed by: Benjamin Lawson (Ice Hockey Expert)

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